In 2006, the former Chief Judge of the High Court of Sarawak and Sabah, Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Richard Malanjum, who later became the Chief Justice of Malaysia in 2018, had introduced a major transformation in the courts and judiciary with the computerisation of the court system. In 2009, the IT operations of the courts in Sabah and Sarawak were streamlined into one system; the Integrated Court System (ICS). The ICS was undertaken by the Sarawak Government's State-Owned company Sarawak Information Systems Sdn. Bhd (SAINS), which provided the service initially on a pilot basis in the year 2007.
In recent years, most of the hardware are declared as End-of-Life by the suppliers. The ICS software were built on an old platform in 2009.There were many problems faced including performance and security of the system.
On 2020, the Government has agreed to replace the system with a new system under a project called e-Kehakiman Sabah Sarawak (e-KSS). The project was awarded to SAINS through open tender on 15 August 2020. This is a three year project that will end on 14 August 2023.